Family-Friendly Activities to Recycle and Save the Planet
Each year new laws are passed to promote eco-friendly changes, and to prepare people to take notice of climate change.
Family-Friendly Activities to Recycle and Save the Planet Read More »
Each year new laws are passed to promote eco-friendly changes, and to prepare people to take notice of climate change.
Family-Friendly Activities to Recycle and Save the Planet Read More »
Ideally, we’d all make constant changes to improve the environment.
Why We Celebrate Earth Day to Help the Environment Read More »
Sometimes the most significant changes take time, especially when it comes to creating laws that impact our environment.
Timeline of Recycling Laws in California: From Then to 2019 Read More »
You’re driving around town, and something catches your eye in the distance. Sometimes it’s an abandoned washing machine tilted on its side or an old cushion-less couch, all large and random, yet potentially costly. These randomly placed objects are the result of illegal dumping, an unfortunate common practice that come with environmental consequences. It happens
The Price of Dumping E-Waste in Los Angeles Read More »
Cars hold personal history when it comes towards everyone’s lives.Either you live around cars or spend a great deal of time in them. The value of cars is almost contradictory, they represent investments that don’t put cash directly in our pockets. They’re valuable because they get us to our destinations with safety and comfort. They’re
When is it Time to Sell an Old Car? Read More »
Auto shop students at Quartz Hill High School have a new learning tool courtesy of the Air Force.
The Lancaster, California, Air Force recruiting office spearheaded the donation of a new 2018 Nissan Versa engine, which was introduced during a small ceremony at the school May 21.
Auto shop students at Quartz Hill High School have a new Opportunity Read More »
No car wants to get there, to the time when they just can’t move the way they used to, but unfortunately, like the rest of us, they do. And what are we human owners to do when that time comes? Sure enough, we cannot bury our cars in our backyards when they don’t run smoothly anymore, At this point, our car has one last benefit to give us, we can recycle them for cash!
Things to do Before you Recycle Your Car Read More »
Recycling takes hard work. You have to collect and put together your scraps, find a recycling center to take it to, load it up in your car and transport it to the location of your choice or to Pacific Auto Recycling Center in Lancaster, California. Nowadays, everyone is busy with family, work, and just life overall; why would anyone take extra time out of their day to take the steps necessary to recycle scraps?
The Benefits of Scrap Recycling Read More »
The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act under CalRecycle was enacted in 1986 to promote the importance of reducing waste. The act states that every beverage container sold or offered for sale in California is required to have a minimum refund value also known as CRV or California Refund (or Redemption) Value.
How to Recycle CRV Read More »
PARC recognizes the growing problem, not only locally but across the USA and even the world is that most places have no control over the amount of waste being thrown away or tossed as pollution into the environment.
Why Is Electronics Recycling So Important? Read More »